Franchise FAQ
How long has endota spa been in business?
Melanie Gleeson, endota spa Founder and CEO began business in 2000 and franchising endota spas in 2004.
What determines an endota spa territory?
A territory is usually determined by either a kilometre radius or postcodes. This does vary from time to time and is measured with common sense.
Can I only purchase one territory?
You can purchase more than one territory and we have a pricing structure in place providing for discounts for multiple upfront purchases.
Do any of your other franchisees own multiple spas?
Yes, almost half of our franchisees own multiple sites or are considering purchasing additional locations.
How does endota spa choose the locations?
The locations of existing endota spa franchises are many and varied. Each owner has an idea of where and what they would like their spa to be and we encourage business owners to thoroughly research proposed locations before deciding on a suitable site.
While endota spa does not choose the locations, we are regularly approached by landlords or developers with opportunities, which are then assessed by endota spa and presented to prospective franchisees.
Although endota spa must approve your proposed location, it is ultimately your signature on the lease and you have the final decision as to whether the proposed site is suitable for the needs of your endota spa franchise.
How do I go about finding the right location and negotiating the lease?
Once you have paid your franchise fee in full, we will begin to work with you on finding a suitable location within your agreed territory and negotiate an acceptable and sustainable lease structure. This must be approved in writing by endota spa
What is the level of investment?
The cost of fitting out a spa in current conditions is between $400,000 to $500,000. This takes into account the fit-out costs to build the spa, along with tools and the required equipment to make the spa functional.
What working capital is required to start up an endota spa?
This varies with every spa and at what time of the year the spa actually opens. We usually recommend that a new business commence trading with working capital of not less than $40,000.
What ongoing support does endota spa provide?
Your Business Development Manager will visit your spa several times a year to assist you meet your business plan and budget goals and to ensure that you are meeting endota standards regarding Quality Assurance. These visits may look at treatment service standards, training, marketing, retail sales and productivity.
Each business owner is required to attend our endota spa Introduction and endota spa Education courses. We will also arrange a four day in-spa training period prior to and on commencing trading.
This seeks to cover all practical aspect of endota spa operations, gift vouchers and the point of sale system. Our endota spa training schools also offer refresher courses for product education and retail sales.
Do I need to work in-spa?
In our experience, especially during the first 12 months of establishing a new spa, the most successful franchises will be run by the franchisee. Fully committing to the business from a complete understanding of the business and the community in which you operate. Whilst some established business owners do not work fulltime in spa, they remain committed and it is important to us that you are determined to pursue an active role in the business.
Where can i find the industry franchising code of conduct?
Please click here to access the 2014 mandatory franchising code of conduct?