endota exists to support you on your journey to a greater sense of wellbeing.
“The brand was always, and still is, about making people feel better. It’s not just about how we look, but more importantly about how we feel. If we are healthy, happy and confident in who we are, we will feel well and we will be well beings.”
- Melanie Gleeson, Founder and CEO
behind the scenes
the brand campaign
We asked some of the world’s most celebrated photographers to find and photograph people of their choosing. No wardrobe, no hair and makeup, just natural lighting. This was our only direction.
They share with us stories of beauty in diversity, connection in vulnerability and strength in self. They invite us to recognise our own strength, mirrored in the strength of other’s stories. They encourage us to be as we are. To love our true selves.
We believe that the experience of wellbeing is our natural state and that embracing that state starts with love of self. When you nurture yourself and embrace your own story, making the pursuit of wellbeing your way of life, you feel free, within your own skin.
We invite you to nourish.nurture.you