astrology for virgo season: what's in store for you
What can you expect for your life during Virgo season? We spoke to Melbourne-based astrology expert, Brylie Gorman, to get her take on what's in store for you during this season of introspection, transformation and renewal.
(Please note these horoscope predictions are not to be taken as medical advice.)
virgo horoscope highlights
- Embrace introspection rather than trying to fix it all and be open to new ways of approaching challenges. There are bigger powers at play here and you need to take a back seat from problem solving this season.
- Trust your intuition, especially during the New Moon on 3 September, and spend time in nature to stay grounded throughout these more intensified energies.
- Prepare for transformative energies and trust they are for your higher good, especially during the Full Moon Eclipse on 18 September.
To learn what's in store for your star sign this year, check out your yearly horoscope.
virgo horoscope insights
Hello, beautiful Virgos! Your birthday season is upon us and it's bringing a unique energy that might feel a bit different from your usual organised, refined, problem-solving self. This year, you're being invited to embrace a more introspective approach and be aware of what is shifting in your reality.
As your season begins, Mercury Retrograde is moving through your sign, encouraging you to look inward. You might feel a touch of pressure or heaviness, but don't let it worry you. Instead of trying to fix everything (we know that's your superpower), this is a time to surrender and explore new ways of being.
Try journaling, gentle moving meditation, or focusing on improving your nutrition to calm that busy mind of yours. Remember, it's okay to pause and take some downtime during Mercury Retrogrades – your analytical skills will be in high demand later.
Be prepared for some cosmic challenges, the energy of this season feels rather intensified. You could experience some technical glitches or travel hiccups. See these as invitations, redirections and opportunities to pause and pivot if needed. With Mercury in Retrograde until 12 September and Uranus joining the retrograde you will find that things are not moving forward right now.
All outer planets will be in Retrograde asking you to reflect on the actions you have taken to date and redo anything that is now out of alignment. Saturn opposing the sun in your sign is also slowing things down and showing you new insights into your reality.
The New Moon on 3 September brings powerful Virgo energy and will ask you to review whether your inner world is in integrity with your outer life. This new moon has a special highlight on your relationships and commitments, and old ways of being are asking to be released right now. This could include releasing some of the actual relationships you are in. Trust your intuition during this time – it might be stronger than your logical mind right now.
Your season concludes with a dramatic Full Moon Eclipse on 18 September, asking you to release what's not aligned with your future path. It might feel uncomfortable, but trust that it's guiding you where you need to be.
“Embrace introspection rather than trying to fix it all and be open to new ways of approaching challenges. There are bigger powers at play here and you need to take a back seat from problem solving this season.”
Remember, Virgos, while this season might feel different, it's setting you up for growth and renewal. Embrace the introspective vibes, trust the process and get ready to shine in a new way in the months to come.